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Group Leaders take action in making Ignite NW a reality for their group.


Learn about the 5 responsibilities a Group Leader has.

Deadlines for Group Leaders

April 30: 

Online registration (for each participant) due to secure early registration fee. All prices increase $30 after April 30th.

May 31: 

Final deadline for registration.

June 15:

Final payment for group members' remaining balance due. (One check, from group/parish leader). Also due: Group Safe Environment Verification Form.

June 30:

Final deadline for housing chart, and substitutions.

Payment Options for Groups


  1. (Most common option) Parents register and pay deposit online with final payment collected by group leader. With this option, group leaders receive email notifications every time someone registers in their group, which includes the amount the participant still needs to pay. An invoice for your entire group is sent after registration closes. The group leader collects final payments from parents and mails one check to us for the total remaining balance. 

  2. Group leader collects all payments. With this option, the group leader collects all payments (including deposits) and mails one check to us for the total balance.

    • Final payment due June15

    • Contact us to set up a special code for your participants so that they don't have to pay the deposit when registering online.

  3. Parents register and make full payment online.


Something else to consider: if your parish would like to provide scholarships or will be doing fundraising, we can set up discount codes for your participants to reduce the amount they pay online. Reach out to us to set that up!

Student to Chaperone Ratio:


The adult chaperone to teen ratio is 1:6 of the same gender (ex: at least one adult male is required for every six males). If you are short on male or female chaperones, please contact us and we will try to put you in touch with a group that may be able to combine with you for purposes of same gender adult supervision in the dorms.

*PLEASE NOTE* these ratios have changed since the 2024 conference, per the Archdiocese of Portland Requirements


1) Set Up Your Group for Online Registration

Each participant must attend with a group, which they select from the list on the registration form.  Contact us to get your group set up for registration and let us know your payment preference so we can set up special codes if necessary. We'll need the name and contact info of your group leader. 

2) Recruit

Utilize these promotional materials to help get your group excited to register:

Promotional Video! (Extended)

2024 Date Announcement Video

2025 Digital Poster (11X17 size) or (8.5x11 size)

Physical posters & postcards can be mailed to you to display, mail or hand out to families.

(Let us know how many we can mail to you)

2022 Hype Video

2018 Promotional Video is awesome too

Follow us on Instagram or Facebook 


*New to Ignite? Let us host an Informational Night for you!

We will come to your parish youth group to give a 15 – 30 minute presentation (videos, testimonies, Q&A), complete with free pizza! Contact us to set up your free Ignite Pizza Night.

You will also need to recruit chaperones *NEW*1:6 ratio of the same gender. These must be 21+ years old and be up to date on their home diocese's Safe Environment/Child Protection requirements, and background checks. 


2025 Update: Our recent practice of helping find chaperones for your group is becoming increasingly challenging for our team. Additionally, we found it is not ideal bringing in outside chaperones that don't know your teens. Due to this and the complexity of coordinating these arrangements, we must shift this responsibility back to you and your parish moving forward. We understand the task is challenging, especially given our lengthened schedule and the new 1:6 chaperone ratio requirements. However it is your responsibility as the group leader to make these arrangements. Thank you for understanding!

3) Register

After promotions, get your chaperones and students to register online. Please remind your group members of the registration deadlines!

4) Make Final Payment and Finalize Housing and Paperwork.

A rooming chart is sent by the first week of June. Final payment for the group and Group Safe Environment Verification Form are due June 15th. Rooming arrangements and substitutions are due by June 30th.

5) Prepare Teens & Chaperones to Attend

As a group leader, you serve as the point of contact and coordinator for your group. Ignite staff will communicate important information as the event approaches that you'll need to pass along to all your group members. This includes packing lists, dress code and code of conduct reminders, etc. 

  • Please ensure all adult leaders understand their responsibilities and Code of Conduct, and have their required paperwork in order by the conference date.

  • Plan and coordinate transportation to and from the event, as well as lunch on Thursday and Sunday (not provided at the conference). 

  • *Remember*: your diocese likely requires you to have a permission slip on file for each participant (this is separate from the online registration we have on file).

Lastly, during the conference you are responsible for the physical, emotional and spiritual well-being of your teens as they experience this event. Ignite staff and volunteers are here to help, but the primary responsibility is with you as their caretaker and leader. Know where they are, what they need, and help to foster a genuine encounter with Christ.

Remember, YOU ROCK and we can't do it without you!! 

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Ignite NW is a nonprofit 501(c)3. All donations are tax deductible.

Federal Tax ID # 92-3927537

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