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What to expect: 
Meals are provided at the conference: Wednesday dinner through Sunday breakfast. A majority of the meals take place in the campus dining hall with a few options presented at each meal, and accommodations provided for those with food allergies and dietary restrictions.
  • If you have severe dietary restrictions, please reach out to us so we can accommodate you bringing some of your own items and being able to access them during meal times. 
  • Please see the packing list below regarding snacks. 
  • Coffee and caffeinated beverages are not provided for teens.
Housing is provided during the conference. Teens and chaperones will stay in dorms on campus. All females in one building and all males in another.
  • Teens will be in rooms of 2 or 3, with other teens from their group/parish. Group leaders will be given the chance to ask for roommate preferences prior to the housing assignments.  
  • Chaperones will be in rooms next to, or across the hall, from their teens, and be 2 to a room. Adults and teens will not room together unless it is a parent/child situation and is requested by the group leader. 
  • Bathrooms and showers are communal on each floor, with some being designated for teens and different ones being designated for adults (sometimes on a different floor).
  • Beds and mattresses are provided, but all other linens, towels and sleeping/bath accessories will need to be packed by the participants (see list below). 
  • Once housing is assigned, participants are NOT to change rooms. This is due to our official lists with the conference leaders, chaperones and campus staff so that in case of emergency every participant can be located quickly. 
Required Items for Packing:


  • Bed linens or sleeping bag

  • Pillow

  • Bath towel and hand towels, plus sandals for the shower/bathroom

  • Toiletries: Soap, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, etc. (Don't forget hand soap!)

  • Appropriate clothing:

    • In order to foster a sense of unity and modesty, the Conference provides T-Shirts and requires them to be worn during the conference starting on Thursday. For Wednesday arrival, participants must wear a youth group t-shirt or other t-shirt. Avoid clothing with offensive messages.

    • Shorts and skirts may be worn if they come to the knees or just above. (Please reach out to us if you have questions about this).

    • No ripped jeans, leggings or yoga pants.

    • Athletic clothes and shoes: During recreation times, participants may change out of their Conference T-Shirt into a different T-shirt for recreation, no tank tops. Athletic shorts are allowed during recreation time (not too short). 

    • For sleeping clothes, you may bring shorts, lounge pants, pajamas, etc.

    • Those who violate the dress code will be required to change.

  • Special personal items you need for yourself

  • Medications: Parents must indicate if and what prescription medications will be brought to the Conference.

    • Medications must be well-labeled with concise directions including dosage and frequency. Medications can be given and administered by the nurse by requesting to do so on the online registration form.

  • Food (Dietary Restrictions): All meals will be provided and most food allergies and restrictions are accounted for. If a participant needs to bring specific food items, they may be stored in the dorm kitchen, with refrigeration available. ​

  • Food (Snacks): Participants are allowed to bring snacks for eating in the dorms, but must follow these guidelines:

    • Food is to be eaten only in the common areas such as lounges and lobbies. No food in dorm rooms.

    • Food should be snacks, not meals and should be purchased in advance of the conference (no trips to the grocery store). 

    • Participants should bring snacks with the intention of sharing with others

    • Food must respect extreme allergy restrictions: NO nuts or nut butter of any kind (tree nuts, peanuts, etc). 

    • Lounge/common areas must be cleaned up after snacks to maintain this privilege. 


Optional Items for Packing:


  • Earplugs (if you’re a light sleeper)

  • Fan for dorm room (it can get pretty hot)

  • Light sweater or jacket (it can get chilly and windy in the evenings)

  • Umbrella or poncho

  • Athletic shoes (for activities in the sports fields and gym)

  • Kneeling pad (available in the garden section of Target or other stores) for the holy hours and Masses. Please label the pad with your name before you come.

  • Note pad and pens for taking notes

  • Kleenex/tissues

  • Bath mat or flip flops for shower, and perhaps a bathrobe for traveling to the shower rooms. 

  • Inexpensive camera (cell phones not allowed). *NOTE: photos of the religious are not allowed without their consent. 




  • OVER THE COUNTER MEDICATIONS: these will be available as needed from the nurse

  • ILLEGAL ITEMS: alcohol, tobacco, and all illegal drugs and substances

  • WEAPONS AND INAPPROPRIATE ITEMS: knives, firearms, fireworks, magazines, animals, etc.

  • CELL PHONES, iPODS, ETC: Do not bring cell phones, iPods, CD players, radios or any electronic devices (In case of an emergency, a chaperone cell phone may be used). 

  • VALUABLE ITEMS: such as expensive jewelry or cameras, large amounts of cash, etc. We cannot guarantee the safety of such items.

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